Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Episode 2 Rocks!

Sordid Lives: The Series only gets better! Ty's hot and Jacob is delicious. Brother Boy is in such peril. And did Noletta shoot GW already???
Oh, and how could we forget Juanita... bless her heart! Oh, and one more thing... is Peggy drunk???

What did you think of the pilot Part 2?

Blog away!


Anonymous said...

youre right... it does just keep getting bettr...i'm ready for episode 3 right now!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

my 83 year old mom is hooked and loving every minute of it!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm totally hooked. I just went to IMDB to make sure that Brother Boy lives. And Sara finding Ty with Jacob, I'm giddy. Love, love, love Juanita and all those stories about people she forgets. Can someone tell me if that's the same actress playing Dr. Eve? She looks so much prettier and is really good. Okay, enough... no, no... love Miz Rue!!! I read somewhere where she is only doing one season up until the characters death :-(

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody! Episode #2 rocked the house. I'm hooked too and Caroline Rhea is better than Delta Burke. I like the new G.W. too. He's weirdly sexy. (okay I'm a sick middle aged woman who needs an oven mit)

I also can really relate to the ex girlfriend. Why are all the good ones gay? Why?! Why?!


Anonymous said...

Rue isn't very good to me. Brother Boy is okay. The movie outshines the series, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Ted (Jacob) is HOT. We saw in the revival of “Southern Baptist Sissies” and from our seats to the side saw him in “all his glory” in the scene where he is naked. He can help me get comfortable in my own skin anytime!

Everyone has to live. Remember this is the 3 months leading up to the movie plot.

It is the same Dr. Eve. She is played by Rosemary Alexander, in real life married to Newell Alexander (Wardell).

Sordid Lives The Blog

Five obsessed Sordid Lives fans from Texas to the desert and back to the East coast have formed a coalition to bring you the most up-t0-date information, funny videos, great pics and fabulously fun polls all about our favorite new TV show Sordid Lives: The Series.